Frequently Asked Questions

Elements - HTML
Last Updated 8 years ago

HTML element serves for adding any HTML code or scripts (JavaScript) to your own website.

Thanks to it, you can add different widgets – that is scripts from other websites, for instance, visit meter, videos, audio-files, etc.

Having dragged HTML element to the website, a window in which a code should be pasted will appear. For safety and work speed of manifo editor – HTML element saved will not appear directly in the editor – it will be visible on the website published exclusively. In its place information image will occur in the editor.

To see HTML element added in the editor, go to ‘Edit’ and click on ‘Preview’ button.


In element edit in the upper menu you have a few options at your disposal:

Edit/HTML code preview

Click on the button to enter the window with edit and HTML code/JavaScript preview


Scroll bars

If an element is larger than the zone in which it occurs, scroll bars will appear that enable moving a particular code. For some codes pasted it will be useful to deactivate (hide) them.



Element alignment serves for setting an element on the left, in the centre or on the right of the zone in which it occurs.

It should be remembered that some HTML/JavaScript codes might impose their own alignment.


You can set spaces for each element – you can select between the two types: external space and internal space.

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